Project Description

Central Heating Hot Water Plant Upgrade

Work completed to upgrade boilers, HHW pumps, Gas supplies, ventilation systems and BMCS

  • Complete demolition and removal of the boiler plant inclusive of 2 x 1150kw boilers
  • Builders works to cut masonry penetrations for the ventilation systems upgrade and new boiler plinths
  • Installation of a new boiler room supply air ventilation system and upgrade of flue system
  • Provide new 2 x fully modulating 1150kw boilers
  • Transport the component of the new cast iron boilers to the L37 plantroom
  • Build the new boilers in situ
  • Provide new 3 x HHW pumps and complete new boiler room pipework system
  • New 2 x new LPG regulator, metering and OPSO valve stations
  • Upgrade the Electrical switchboard and new VSDs to all new pumps
  • Provide complete new BMCS panel and controls to the heating hot water system